Learn to Meditate

Free 30-Day Meditation Program

Before you begin, let me just say that I completely understand that many of you do not want to meditate and find it quite difficult. I’m right there with you. I created this program after years of working with clients who have said that meditation (despite the fact that they know it’s incredibly beneficial for them) is just too hard. In my own life, I think of meditating as equivalent to eating your vegetables when you’re a kid. Even though you don’t want to do it, you know it’s good for you. So with that, please eat your vegetables. And practice meditation. 

The following meditation program is designed to be completed in 30 consecutive days. I have broken down a standard breathing meditation into 5 separate steps (or “cycles”), starting with the simplest and building in complexity. Practice each cycle two times a day (preferably in the morning and afternoon, but anytime is okay). Do not jump ahead in cycles. Even if the meditation seems overly-simple or boring. You will not gain necessary experience by jumping ahead.

If the idea of meditating is new to you, you should know that meditation is perhaps the single most powerful tool we have to help our own mental and physical health. Thousands of studies have demonstrated that a daily meditation practice can help immensely with pain, anxiety, and depression, and practitioners around the world have been meditating for thousands of years. 

Finally, a word for when you’ve completed all 5 cycles:

While each cycle is designed to get harder and challenge you towards a deeper meditation, each cycle can stand alone just fine. If you complete all 30 days and decide that cycle 2 or 3 works better for a regular practice of meditation, that is absolutely okay. Any meditation is better than no meditation at all, so do what works for you.

Meditation Cycle #1. Practice this meditation 2 times a day on Days 1-4.

Meditation Cycle #2. Practice this meditation 2 times a day on Days 5-8.

Meditation Cycle #3. Practice this meditation 2 times a day on Days 9-12.

Meditation Cycle #4. Practice this meditation 2 times a day on Days 13-20.

Meditation Cycle #5. Practice this meditation 2 times a day on Days 21-30.